Now is the time for a careful roof inspection. Winter weather puts extreme stress on every inch of your roof. Spring is the time to evaluate and schedule necessary roof repair. The extremes of a Madison WI summer provide additional threats. Preventive maintenance is worth the time and money.
Melting snow and driving rain uncovers what winter left behind. A spring cleanup and inspection of your roof not only improves the appearance of your home, it makes it safer. Catching problems early makes correction them easier and extends the life of your roof.
Where Your Roof Inspection Begins
Take a step or two back and visually inspect your roof from ground level. You’ll see the obvious things – missing shingles, tree branches, leaves or other debris blow in by winter winds. You can also spot damaged gutters and down spouts. Use binoculars to get a closer look.
Depending upon your first look, you’ll need a closer examination of the following:
Time to trim the trees – overhanging branches damage shingle every time the wind blows. Shingles – when you see spots where shingles are missing or broken, it’s an obvious sign roof repair is in your future. A closer look reveals cracks or smaller missing chunks. Pay close attention to spaces around vents, pipes and bends in the roof. These spots are where snow and ice collects. The freeze/thaw process heaves shingles and opens the roof to potential leaks.
- Vents – the openings near the rooftop, under eaves and in rafters are essential to keeping air flowing through the house.
- Gutters and down spouts – heavy snow and ice causes bends, cracks, leaks and major breaks. When you see gutters that are no longer straight or snug to the roof line these are signs of trouble. Damaged gutters and backed up down spouts lead to water getting under shingles. That’s a sure way to develop a leaky roof.
- The chimney – where roof meets chimney is another area where the elements work on seals to find ways under your shingles.
Natural Elements Leading To Roof Repair
There are outside elements to get rid of, too. Clean off things like:
- Tree branches – large limbs can damage the structure and shingles when they hit and when winds move them around. Smaller pieces eventually get into gutters and clog the flow of water. Every limb scrapes off the protective granules and that reduces the life of your roof.
- Leaves and needles – not as threatening as heavy branches, these elements clog things up and hold moisture. Trapped in corners or seams they are prime sources of mildew. They also add extra weight to roof and gutters.
- Moss, Algae and Mold – both grow on your shingles because moisture levels are too high and not enough sunlight gets to the surface. There are chemical treatments but they are best left to professionals as they can damage landscape plants and painted surfaces. GAF developed an algae-resistant shingle and has several versions with a patented StainGuard® protective treatment.
Dealing with all these potential issues in a timely manner protects and extends the life of your roof.
Leave Climbing For A Roof Inspection To The Pros
There are many resources outlining details of ladder safety. However the best tip is simply – don’t climb on your roof! Ladders are dangerous. Your roof isn’t level and may be slippery. You don’t have the proper safety, fall protection gear. In short, you are not trained or equipped to do the job safely. Besides, once you get up there you probably aren’t experienced enough to see anything but the most obvious threats. The best advice is to evaluate from the ground and call in a professional. Sims Roofing specializes in honest appraisals, timely inspections, maintenance and repairs.
Few Madison area companies have the experience and quality reputation earned by Sims. It’s a company known for professional products and reliable service. It has been a GAF-certified dealer for years.
Call Sims Exteriors and Remodeling at 608-825-4500 or email us for advice or to schedule a roof repair. Our skilled professionals are ready to provide a timely roof inspection on your Madison WI home.